Recently J and I celebrated our 9 year wedding anniversary, we had a big night all planned out, we had gotten the grandparents to watch Millie Grace & Bones, we had reservations at a quaint little
restaurant in downtown Concord called Union Street Bistro. We had planned a nice romantic trip afterwards to one of our favorite coffee houses,
Dilworth. Then......the blizzard of 2010 hit, no romantic dinner for just us on our anniversary, we were snowed in, well not really because if you know J he will drive anywhere in any kind of weather, and we did go eat at our
fave Mexican restaurant El
Vallarta for lunch on the 30
th. But due to the refreezing
possibilities we opted not the drive after dark. As I was saying, we were snowed in on our anniversary, and I cooked
fillet of beef with steamed veggies and baby potatoes and we had a cheesecake sampler for dessert, we snuggled and cuddled with our babies and just had a nice time at home.
However tonight we did get our romantic dinner out, not at the quaint
restaurant in downtown Concord, (which was my decision) J and I went to
Longhorn and it was delicious, we had steak and potatoes and the biggest piece of chocolate cake with ice cream that I had ever seen. They put us in a round booth and I realized that the past 9 years have been wonderful because I am blessed to have marrried my very best friend, who with the birth of our daughter has become the very best daddy, the man who still makes my heart flutter and makes me feel like the most beautiful woman in the room. It was so much fun and more romantic than the candlelit dinner we had planned......even if I did eat sitting under a bull.