Friday, February 19, 2010

Christmas 2009

This is A.G and Bones Christmas picture from last year. J gave in a let him wear knee socks which simply thrilled me and his Nanny. The photographer loved this picture she said it was just "simply natural". We love it too!!
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Monday, February 15, 2010

Snow Much Fun, AGAIN in 2010!

We woke up and there was snow on the ground and our bowl was full of snow, we started out with snow cream for breakfast and then moved on to homemade waffles. Then it was time to play in the snow. Can't wait until it does it again!
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Sledding.....and away they go!!!

So the first big snow we didn't have a sled, not a true sled, I mean we could have used cookie pans, or car hoods, or whatever people use these days instead of the good old fashioned plastic sleds. So as soon as Bed, Bath & Beyond got their newest shipment of sleds in "J" and Bones went and bought a sled, and man was Bones happy about it. I thought just as soon as we bought a sled it wouldn't snow again this year, but that little boy used the sled as a fishing boat in the middle of the playroom floor for days, he would sit in it and eat his snack, he would watch cartoons, it was so funny to see him with the sled.
When it snowed over Valentine's Day weekend the first thing we did was get the sled out, and if you know Millie Grace, you know she is not afraid of anything, so she was the first to go down our driveway on the sled, now I took the job of standing at the bottom and taking pictures and of course to make sure they stopped and didn't run into any trees. Our driveway doesn't look that steep until their is a 4 year old barreling down at you going about 20 mph. ( I am sure I am exaggerating here but you get my point) So then we let Bones go down and he did a great job I got him stopped successfully before smashing into the firewood pile. Then we let them go down together, oh how sweet you say? Not so much, I can tell you from experience with 2 children in the sled it goes faster, picks up speed quicker and is definitely more difficult to stop. Now this is the part where Millie Grace started screaming and Bones learned that if you don't want to be on the sled the snow is soft and it's okay to just roll off of the thing. Needless to say every time Bones got back on the sled he would roll off, because you know that is the most fun part....and Millie Grace didn't get back on it with her brother.
We had a blast and no one came out any worse for the wear, no black eyes or broken bones, definitely thankful that day for the many, many, guardian angels we have watching out for our babies!!! LOL
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More Snow 2010

These are pictures I took of the snow that fell before the Valentine's Day weekend.
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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

What's New?

Well I don't have any new pics to post but I just wanted to update everyone about what has been going on in the family as of late.
First of all, I am pleased to say that through diligent temperature checks, Bones has gone over a month without a febrile seizure. Every time we think he feels hot or he gets overly cranky we check his temp. All I have to say to him is temp. time and he raises his little arm, so he knows the drill. We are working on potty training and he does well, most of the time, he certainly likes his "big boy pants". He got a hold of a permanent black marker today (thanks to his big sister) and wrote all over his face, it wasn't a BIC marker so the baby wipes didn't get it off completely. We are seriously thinking of changing his nickname from "Bones" to "Blackjack". :o) He has learned that he is "ME" and he is on the fast track to learning the word "MINE" (again thanks to big sister) He will pat his chest and say "Baby" then he will say "Daddy" so he knows he is Daddy's Baby. Unfortunately he has moved from telling me "uh-uh" to the full fledged word of "NO" which does not make me happy in the least bit. I can't believe in April he will be turning "2"

Next, I am saddened to report that Millie Grace has 2 loose teeth, I know that means she is getting bigger, but I just thought it would be a little later when she got loose teeth, I don't know like 6. Anyway I have made the decision to start homeschooling her this year, as she is not technically old enough to start "public school" anyway, but honestly after hearing Rod Parsley talk about what they are teaching children in school, I am not sure I want her in public school anyway. She is writing her name and signing her own cards, I am just really pleased with what a good student she is, she is very eager to learn and of course arts and crafts is one of her favorite things to do. She is a great big sister and she watches out for Bones like a big sister should. I am very very proud of the little girl she is right now.

That is all for now, I am going to try and post some valentines day pics up as soon as I get them taken. Have a great February!!

Much Love
The Barbee's

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Happy Anniversary

Recently J and I celebrated our 9 year wedding anniversary, we had a big night all planned out, we had gotten the grandparents to watch Millie Grace & Bones, we had reservations at a quaint little restaurant in downtown Concord called Union Street Bistro. We had planned a nice romantic trip afterwards to one of our favorite coffee houses, Dilworth. Then......the blizzard of 2010 hit, no romantic dinner for just us on our anniversary, we were snowed in, well not really because if you know J he will drive anywhere in any kind of weather, and we did go eat at our fave Mexican restaurant El Vallarta for lunch on the 30th. But due to the refreezing possibilities we opted not the drive after dark. As I was saying, we were snowed in on our anniversary, and I cooked fillet of beef with steamed veggies and baby potatoes and we had a cheesecake sampler for dessert, we snuggled and cuddled with our babies and just had a nice time at home.
However tonight we did get our romantic dinner out, not at the quaint restaurant in downtown Concord, (which was my decision) J and I went to Longhorn and it was delicious, we had steak and potatoes and the biggest piece of chocolate cake with ice cream that I had ever seen. They put us in a round booth and I realized that the past 9 years have been wonderful because I am blessed to have marrried my very best friend, who with the birth of our daughter has become the very best daddy, the man who still makes my heart flutter and makes me feel like the most beautiful woman in the room. It was so much fun and more romantic than the candlelit dinner we had planned......even if I did eat sitting under a bull. HaHaHaHa

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Snow 2010

Millie Grace loves the snow and she had a blast playing in it this year. She loves throwing snow balls at her Daddy and of course he throws them back at her. She really watched out for Bones and was very protective. A great Big Sister.
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This was the first time Bones really got to go out and play in the snow, HE LOVED IT!!!!! He threw a major fit when it was time to come back inside, but he had a blast.
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SNOW 2010

SNOW DAY!!!!!! We were very excited to see the snow come these last few days. It has been so much fun, and Bones got to go out this year and play, they even got Mommy out there too. (pictures are soon to follow) We got bundled up and traveled out to the front yard, far away I know, and Bones loved it, Millie Grace was talking about sledding and skiing and fortunately she is much more graceful than her mommy ever dreams of being. These are pictures of the 5 1/2 acres we live on, and J even went and took some out in the woods (our backyard) you can see our house through the woods in one of the pictures. We still have a few inches on the ground here, we think it is waiting for more.......
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