Well out of 12 eggs we had 7 hatchlings. Welcome to the world George, Georgette, Harriette, Daphne, Scooby, Shaggy, & Spike. They stayed with us for 3 days then went to a chicken farm in Gaston County.
5 years ago
Well out of 12 eggs we had 7 hatchlings. Welcome to the world George, Georgette, Harriette, Daphne, Scooby, Shaggy, & Spike. They stayed with us for 3 days then went to a chicken farm in Gaston County.
As many of you know we are a homeschooling family, and this year as part of our science program we are partnering with the Rowan County 4H to hatch our own chickens. Last Monday Gracie and I went for an orientation and picked up our supplies, we were very excited. Okay, I was nervous, and I'm still nervous! I really need these chicks to hatch, I don't want my children to need therapy after this project is over! HaHaHa!! Today we plugged in the incubator and filled it with water, and tomorrow we will go by the 4H and pick up our eggs. Here is a picture of the incubator, egg turner, and curriculum guide given to us to use.