Monday, October 5, 2009


Jason gave me a book for our anniversary one year titled "Momisms". Here are a few of my favorites.

"What did I just say?" Your child usually interprets this as a challenge over whether or not they are paying attention. But in my case, I have actually forgotten what I just said and am hoping they can tell me.

"This place is a pigsty" The pathetic attempt at motivating children to improve their housekeeping skills usually falls on deaf ears.

"I'm going to give you until the count of three" When mom resorts to the dreaded three-count, chances are that she is at the end of her rope and you'd be well advised to do what she says immediately.

"No means no!" The purpose of this momism is to distinguish between the words no and maybe. Most kids know that when Mom says "maybe" then the answer is probably yes. But when Mom says "no" nine times out of ten, she, in fact, means "no".... unless of course, she changes her mind later to "maybe"

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