Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas Morning

"Bones" woke up to a stocking in his room, and immediately found a train. We were playing with it when Millie Grace woke up. He immediately went to his tricycle and he didn't catch on to unwrapping the gifts at first, but he caught on. He loved "Chuck the truck" it has been a real big hit and of course he got his first cap gun, just imagine this scene in your mind, Jason trying to teach gun safety to a 20 month old, and "Bones" now uses his cap gun as a hammer, but at least he isn't pointing it at anyone. :o)
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Christmas Morning

Millie Grace woke up excited to just find her stocking in her bedroom. Her Daddy told her that's not all let's go to the Christmas tree. She couldn't believe all that Santa had left for her. We have a tradition where "Santa" brings the children 3 gifts because that is what the wisemen brought to Baby Jesus. Mommy and Daddy buy a few as well..........
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Here comes Santa Claus!

Right before Mommy and Daddy went to bed on Christmas Eve Night

Millie Grace said, "We need to leave both white and chocolate milk for Santa, he needs some for his elves."

This is the letter that "Santa" leaves every year.
We don't have a problem with Millie Grace & Bones believing in Santa, as long as they realize that Santa
believes in Jesus, and that Jesus is the real reason for Christmas
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Mommy & Daddy's Christmas gifts

This is Jason's Christmas gift from "Bones" and Millie Grace. Levi's hand is a deer on the mug
and Millie Grace made an angel out of her fingerprints for the coaster.

On my irish coffee mug is "Bones" thumbprint as a pea and smaller fingerprints
as other peas on the mug.
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Barbee Family Christmas Eve 2009

Every year on Christmas Eve the Barbee Family gets together, all 13 of us, the children actually outnumber the adults, so we are lucky to make it out all in one piece. We get together with Jason's sister, Julie and her husband Trevor and their children, Heather, who is such a sweetheart and a really big help with the little ones, Ryan who they tell us is very rowdy but is always such a polite and sweet young man, Blake, who simply adores "Bones" (the feeling is mutual); Madison, who is quiet and likes to play by herself;, Annsley who is the same age as Millie Grace, so yeah, 2 four year olds in the same house with gifts and grandparents equals LOUD LOUD LOUD! Jason's mama and daddy, who are the best in-laws God created. They love us all like they are our mama and daddy and absolutely love and adore each one of their grandchildren to the moon and back. We end the night with filet mignon and baked potatoes the soze of footballs and salad, yeast rolls, and like 5 different desserts. I really look forward that every year. I am so blessed to call each one of these sweet people family.

P.S. you may remember on 3 days before Thanksgiving I had to have some emergency dental work done. Well 5 days before Christmas Eve I had to have emergency dental surgery 3 wisdom teeth, plus one molar removed. :o)
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Edwards Family Christmas Celebration

Millie Grace and her cousin Annsley opening their gifts from Nanny & Papaw.

Millie Grace, Annsley and Grant opening their gifts from grandparents.

Levi "rocking" out with his new drum set from Nanny & Papaw

Still "rocking out", did I really tell them to buy this for him???
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Frosty the Snowman, I mean Snowmen

This year instead of the traditional gingerbread house, (you know the Barbee Family sometimes tends to sway from tradition, :o)) we opted for the Frosty the snowman rice krispy treats. It was very cute, I got the kit from Target and it came with everything to make the treats and decorate the snowmen. They had a really good time decorating them, especially "Bones" who will not eat a cookie but will lick the frosting off of anything. Millie Grace made hers a girl snowperson modeled after Crystal off of the Frosty the Snowman cartoons.
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WCC Ladies Christmas Brunch

This is the table that I, with help from my mother in law decorated for the
WCC Ladies Brunch. The theme had to be a Christmas carol, so I picked
one of my favorites, "We Three Kings"

Jason made the star centerpiece for me and I love it so much I think I am
going to have some trouble taking it down from it's place on our
The candleholders that were used were Jason's Nanny's, I was
so happy that I got to use them as decoration.

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Saturday, December 12, 2009

Family Christmas Ornament 09

Amelia Grace as a reindeer
Daddy as a red snowman

Levi as Rudolph

Mommy as a green snowman
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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Happy 5th Brithday Remington!

Today Remington would have been 5 years old. I miss him and think about him often and wonder what he would be doing at this time in his life. I wonder if he would be getting along with his little sister and if he would think his little brother was cool. Would he be reading like his sister and would they be intersted in the same things. Would he like playing cars with his little brother and just how much would "Bones" think he rocked?
I can rest in the assurance that I know where he is at and I know that he is an awesome little man and I know that one day I will hold him and get to tell him just how much I love him. But until that day I will carry him in my heart until I can carry him in my arms. Happy Birthday!!