Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Barbee Family Christmas Eve 2009

Every year on Christmas Eve the Barbee Family gets together, all 13 of us, the children actually outnumber the adults, so we are lucky to make it out all in one piece. We get together with Jason's sister, Julie and her husband Trevor and their children, Heather, who is such a sweetheart and a really big help with the little ones, Ryan who they tell us is very rowdy but is always such a polite and sweet young man, Blake, who simply adores "Bones" (the feeling is mutual); Madison, who is quiet and likes to play by herself;, Annsley who is the same age as Millie Grace, so yeah, 2 four year olds in the same house with gifts and grandparents equals LOUD LOUD LOUD! Jason's mama and daddy, who are the best in-laws God created. They love us all like they are our mama and daddy and absolutely love and adore each one of their grandchildren to the moon and back. We end the night with filet mignon and baked potatoes the soze of footballs and salad, yeast rolls, and like 5 different desserts. I really look forward that every year. I am so blessed to call each one of these sweet people family.

P.S. you may remember on 3 days before Thanksgiving I had to have some emergency dental work done. Well 5 days before Christmas Eve I had to have emergency dental surgery 3 wisdom teeth, plus one molar removed. :o)
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