December 10th is always a very difficult day for me, you see that is our oldest son's birthday. Remington Edwards Barbee was born on 12-10-04 @ 7:30 am, in heaven, surrounded by angels and with his Heavenly Father.
If someone had told me that at 26 years old I would be in a cemetery on a cold December morning burying my firstborn infant son, I wouldn't have been able to imagine just how horrible that could have felt. I always think about him and just how much he looked like his daddy, with dark hair and his daddy's dimple....and my nose....what a perfectly beautiful little man he was.
I know you hear people say things happen for a reason, and I believe that too, but more importantly I believe things happen to in some way bring glory to God and His ultimate plan for our lives. No matter how short Remington's life was it was not an insignificant life, I believe in some way he had an impact on someone, even if it was just me...to be my first son, to help me know how much love a mother can have for her children even if she doesn't get to physically care for them, and to know that if I had a choice, with how much my heart aches to hold him some days that I would never bring him back to this place, to know fear, pain, anger and sickness. But with my heart resting in the assurance that he is with Jesus, and that when the time comes I will see him again, makes my heart peacefully happy.

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